
Birthday: June 2, 1998
Breed: Quarter Horse
Nickname(s): Kiki, CLM (Cute Little Mare)
Best friend: Rudy
Close with: Wilbur
Favourite treat:
Special issues:
Our lovely Kiah, matriarch of the small herd on our home property, just turned 21 years old. She came to FSS in 2008 from a rescue that no longer exists, after being bought from a kill buyer in the auction parking lot. Kiah was a PMU (pregnant mare urine) foal- her mama spent months (while pregnant with Kiah) in a barn hooked up to a contraption to collect her urine for Premarin (hormone replacement therapy).
Kiah was used as a Hutterite ranch horse- she has the white hairs from an ill-fitting saddle to prove it. Then, at 10 years old, she was sent to auction where she was bought by a kill buyer. That was her thank you for years of hard work helping people make a living.
Fortunately, her story didn't end there, as it does for so many horses who are sent to slaughter after a lifetime of service- just so their "owners" can pocket another $200-$300. Horses deserve so much better than this. That's why we do what we do at FSS- in honour of those who aren't as lucky as Kiah.
Kiah is never far from her BFF, Rudy, who can be seen in the background of this photo. Rudy spent his life on a dude string and would have met a similar fate if FSS hadn't been at the auction the day he went through the ring.
You can help us ensure that Kiah and Rudy are able to live out their days together in peace and freedom at FSS by becoming a Guardian Angel for Kiah (or Rudy!)
Please help us give Kiah the best life possible 🌟